A Place for the ongoing adventures in GRANT PROGRAMMING DATA
Programming Framework / Offerings
Developmental Fellowships
Forthcoming stuff about Fellowships. It’s a longer relationship than just one weekend, retreat or event. We work with an artist over the course of 7 weeks.
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Artist Retreats
Forthcoming stuff about Artist Retreats. They’re shorter sprints of working and partnering with artists. 3 Types listed below.
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Types of Artist Retreats
Production Retreat
Writing, Development, Band Pre-Production, Recording, Overdubs, Performance
Writing Retreat
Solo, Development and Co-writing, Recording, Performance
Artist Retreat
Writing, Wellness, Education, Mindfulness Training, Time in Nature
Seek to Connect Resources Available to Immediate Needs of Those Creators Currently Experiencing
Domestic Fatigue
Inability to complete work due to
Technical hurdles around recording
Lack of time alone to dedicate to work
Producer or Collaborator alchemy is missing. need guidance and perspective
Depression / Anxiety
Financial means to fund the work they need develop from inspiration to income
Strategy and Rollout Plan
Equipping with relationships, education and advice to become a more self-sufficient and supported artist.