To make a tax-deductible donation in benefit to MOXE’s non-profit partnered work with UnMangable Arts, click the button below

With a common interest in emboldening and equipping artists, “The mission of Unmanageable Arts is to support artists and projects that connect across discipline, history, culture, and community through creative project management and fundraising support.”.  

Sometimes projects come through our doors in which we believe in, but that may have financial barriers preventing the completion of or creation of a project. To be able to reliably offer some support in these instances, we started the THE MOXE INITIATIVE with a “Have a penny / leave a penny” spirit in mind. Throughout the year we look for opportunities to support other organizations or artists in need in situations where everybody wins. Whether the support is coming from inside the artist membership body or from a supporter halfway around the world, it’s has aims of self generative mutual aid. And the what’s truer from experience is, some artists are often on both sides of that transaction over the course of their career. As it should be when a diverse group of people come together to make things together.

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